

(Updated 02/2024)



  1. a. Obedience must accompany our faith. b. Paul's obedience in the faith was to spread the gospel among the Gentile nations.
  2. a. The gospel of Christ is our power to salvation for everyone who believes. b. The gospel message lifts us up daily and has power to make us righteous by God's grace.
  3. God bestows a verdict of righteousness on the sinner. The sinner is treated as a non-sinner.
  4. All men of ungodliness and unrighteousness who suppress the truth will receive the wrath of God.
  5. a. The people knew God but did not honor Him as God. They carved images and committed idolatry and homosexuality. b. God turned them over to their debased mind and uncleanness, letting them bring on themselves penalty for their ways by the consequences of their sins.



  1. The people were guilty of the same sins as those they judged.
  2. There were no repercussions due to the longsuffering of God so they did not feel any guilt from their sin.
  3. God gave them grace (because of Jesus) in hope that they will come to repentance and change their ways.
  4. Eternal life is the reward for those who obey the will of God. Those who are self-seeking, unrighteous, and evil will receive tribulation, anguish, indignation, and wrath on their soul.
  5. Patient continuance in doing good (in the name of the Lord) will bring salvation of your soul.
  6. a. The Gentiles and all those before the law will be judged according to their deeds. b. The Israelites and any foreigner living or accepting the law will be judged according to the law. (This was the rule until Jesus came and established the new covenant.)
  7. The chosen ones who knew God and taught the law dishonored God by the sins and idolatry they committed. The Gentiles witnessed this and spoke dishonorably of the God of the Jews.
  8. Circumcision could not save the Jews if they broke the law. It was only a physical sign of being God’s people Circumcision today is in our faith, rooted in our hearts, which causes us to honor, fear, and obey God.
  9. We should not seek the approval of men but the praise of God.


  1. Whatever God’s word says is true. If man speaks contradictory to God it is always false.
  2. Paul states an emphatic "No." Our sins will judge us at the end of time. If not then there is no reason for God to judge the world.
  3. Believers are not liable for their sins - Jesus has paid for them. No payment is required of us except to honor God, believe in Jesus, and live righteous before God.
  4. a. Sins committed under the law were overlooked by God. b. By the sacrifices required under the law for atonement God was patient of their sins. This was just a shadow of what was coming.
  5. The law could not be discarded because by it we have knowledge of sin.
  6. Through the Spirit we carry the essence of the law in our hearts (as in 2:14).  Our faith recognizes the requirements of the law are now covered by Jesus' death.



  1. Blessed is the man to whom God does not impute sin.
  2. God has made us righteous through Jesus Christ. Our sins are forgiven.
  3. Abraham believed, honored and obeyed God from the beginning before he was ever circumcised.
  4. Abraham was too old to father a child and so was Sarah.
  5. Abraham had an unwavering faith and a tested faith.



  1. Our hope is an inner awareness of assurance that God is with us, He will return for us, and He will get us through tribulations.
  2. Jesus died for us. We are now reconciled to God and have the hope of life by Jesus' resurrection.
  3. Sin was not identified or specified as such until the law but it was still punished by God by death (i.e. the flooding of the world; Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.).
  4. The gift of Jesus’ death on the cross provided every sinner the opportunity for forgiveness of sins and justification for life.
  5. Condemnation came from Adam. Grace and life came from Jesus.
  6. a. Death had power over those who sinned. b. The grace of God results in eternal life to those who believe.



  1. a. We buried our sins and our old self with Jesus. b. We are raised to walk a new way of life, one that lives for God.
  2. We are no longer shackled to the result of our sins – death. We are free from death through Jesus.
  3. Jesus makes us alive to God by our justification through His death. And, as His resurrection still serves to glorify God our 'resurrection' to a new life must serve to glorify God.
  4. a. We let God control our life by obeying His will. b. Obeying God leads to righteousness and holiness that leads to everlasting life. d. Sin leads to death spiritually and eternally.
  5. The free gift from God is eternal life through Jesus.


  1. We left or became dead to the law and its condemnation of death.
  2. The law is in our hearts through the Spirit. By the newness of the Spirit, our hearts are now directed toward good works and righteousness.
  3. The law identifies sin and all its evil passions.
  4. a. God gave the law as a guide for man at that time. b. The law identifies our sin so that we can avoid or rectify sin.
  5. Sin dwells in us and we can fall because of it.
  6. The evil desires and propensities of the heart and the lust of the flesh bring us in to sin. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak!
  7. We serve the law of God consciously (by heeding the Spirit) or serve the law of sin by heeding to desires of the flesh.


  1. There is no more condemnation of death because of sin but forgiveness to righteousness.
  2. The gospel was offered as a pardon to sin. By it we can be free from the result of sin which is death.
  3. The law could not justify us or make us righteous before God. There was no healing or strengthening through the law, only death spiritually and physically through the sacrifices.
  4. The righteous requirement of the law was sacrificial death for the sins of the people. Jesus suffered this punishment for us so we won’t have to. His death was the sacrifice required under the law to atone for sins.
  5. Death is the result of being carnally minded. Those who seek the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life descend to this end.
  6. You are not God's or Christ's if you do not have the Spirit.
  7. The Holy Spirit who raised Jesus to life can also lead us to life.
  8. We resist sin by obeying the Spirit of God.
  9. a. When we are led by the Spirit we belong to our Father, God. b. We can call on God any time and He will hear us and help us. We are His children and joint heirs with Christ.
  10. All living things on earth will change also. The earth will not be subject to corruption.
  11. a. We wait for the redemption of our bodies for eternal life. b. We must persevere in the hope of our redemption. c. We must keep believing, keep seeking, and keep worshiping God even in trials and tribulations.
  12. The Spirit of God will lead us and speak for us.
  13. a. God knew beforehand some would believe in Jesus and become His children. b. He wanted us to conform to the image of His son. c. God sent Jesus for our justification. d. God glorified us by putting His Spirit in us. We have been honored and elevated by His Spirit in us. We have become one with Him. 
  14. a. God will be the judge of our sins. b. No one can condemn us. Jesus has already paid all sin for us.
  15. Nothing can separate the love of God and Christ from us. We can call on God anytime.


  1. We judge ourselves by our conscience through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will convict our conscience or give us peace.
  2. a. The children of God are those of the promise to Abraham through Sarah. (Those of faith.) b. The children of the flesh are they who came through Hagar the servant of Sarah. (The Gentiles.)
  3. Esau was blessed by God but he was not chosen as heir of the covenant with Abraham.
  4. Those who do not know Him or serve Him have been used for His purpose. They, as all, are born into sin since Adam. These God left to their own but used them for His purposes (i.e. the nations used to discipline Israel).
  5. Only a remnant of Israel will be saved – at least all who will believe and obey God through Jesus.
  6. Jesus Christ stands between us and God's wrath. He is our shield.
  7. Jesus is the stone that was rejected.


  1. Israel was still trying to be righteous by the works of the law.
  2. Jesus put an end to the works of the law because He was the ultimate and final sacrifice. There is no need for any other sacrifice. We are more righteous through Christ than we could have ever been by the sacrifices of the law.
  3. The work of Jesus has already been done once and for all. He will only return to deliver us to the Father.
  4. We believe the gospel and we continually live and speak of it in our lives.
  5. We must have confession unto salvation. Our words and actions must be true to our faith and religion. For with believing there must be a profession by our lives. We profess our faith in our lives through our words and by our actions.
  6. Anyone can call on God. He wishes all to be saved.
  7. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
  8. Israel has not believed the gospel of Christ even though they have heard the word of the gospel. They crucified Jesus because they did not know He was the Messiah.
  9. The Gentiles were used to provoke Israel to jealousy.


  1. God will remember a remnant of Israelites who served God and did not fall to the worship of Baal.
  2. A remnant of Israel will be saved according to the election of grace. Therefore, the works of the law cannot save them and grace would not be grace.
  3. God left the Jews to their own ways. They fell into their own trap by rejecting Jesus.
  4. a. Israel and all those of the covenant of promise are the first fruit and root. b. The lump is all those joined to Israel and the covenant of promise. The branches are all believers whether Jew or Gentile under Christ.
  5. Some Israelites were lost because of unbelief in Jesus as the Messiah while Gentiles were added in to the Kingdom of Jesus.
  6. The Gentiles are the wild olive tree that was grafted in to the natural olive tree (Israel).
  7. The blindness of Israel has opened up the door for the Gentiles to receive the gift of grace for salvation. (Eph. 2:8, 11-13).


  1. Our reasonable service is to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, and for His purpose.
  2. a. We are to consider the will of God in all areas of our life so we will do what is acceptable and pleasing to God. b. The scriptures, prayer, and the Spirit will help transform our mind.
  3. The people are not to think highly of themselves because each has been given a measure of faith and are individual members of the whole body of Christ.
  4. We all have different gifts and service to God in the body of Christ.
  5. We should hate what is evil and cling to what is good.
  6. Diligently and zealously we should seek to do His will.
  7. During tribulation we should be patient and pray, believing God will help us.
  8. We should associate with humble people, those who do not seek to be glorified by man but by God.
  9. a.  As much as depends on us we are to live at peace with all people. b. We are not to avenge ourselves; God will avenge us.


  1. a. We should be subject to the governing authorities. b. God has appointed the authorities that exist. (We must still stand against immorality and lawlessness promoted by any authority.)  c.  We are to pay our taxes because the governing authorities are ministers for God and the taxes are for our benefit too.
  2. Love does no evil and therefore cannot violate the commandments. When you love someone as yourself, you will treat them as you would want to be treated.
  3. We are to awake from living in darkness and put on the armor of light. We are to walk properly (in love, purity, and acceptably before God) not in revelry, drunkenness, lewdness, and lust for our salvation draws near (and judgment is coming).
  4. We seek to live as Jesus lived making no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust. (We walk soberly and righteously).


  1. Do not dispute over doubtful or unclear things with one who is weak in the faith.  (He may be a babe in the faith or had limited teaching.)
  2. God is the master of the servant and can make a less knowledgeable person stand. He will bring the less knowledgeable to maturity.
  3. a. We should not partake of our liberty in front of a weaker brother for his sake. b. We should act in love and not let our good be spoken of as evil or destroy the work of God in the weaker brother.


  1. By not choosing to just please ourselves we show brotherly love to the weaker brother and edify him.
  2. The books of the law and the prophets (Old Testament scriptures) were for our learning and hope in God. We learned patience and comfort and therefore should bear with the scruples of the weak.
  3. Jesus came to serve the Jewish people to fulfill God's promise to them.
  4. The Gentiles came under the grace of God also.
  5. Paul ministered to the Gentiles to make them acceptable and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
  6. Paul wanted to go where the name of Jesus had not yet been established.
  7. Paul was going to Jerusalem to bring a gift of goods to the poor and needy believers there.
  8. Paul feared the resistance and imprisonment from those who hated him for preaching the gospel.


  1. Pricilla and Aquila had the church in their house.
  2. a. We are to note and stay away from those who teach contrary doctrines and cause divisions. Avoid them as teachers; do not follow their instruction. b. They use smooth words and flattering speech to deceive the hearts of the simple.
  3. We are to be wise in what is good and innocent of what is evil.
  4. God will crush Satan.
  5. Tertius wrote this epistle for Paul.
  6. The prophetic scriptures reveal Jesus as the Messiah and savior not only to the Jews but also to the Gentiles.