

(Updated 2/2024)


  1. Jesus was a descendant of the tribe of Judah.
  2. There were fourteen generations from the captivity of Israel by Babylon until Jesus.
  3. Joseph did not want Mary to become a public example.
  4. Immanuel means “God with us."
  5. God turned his hand to help His people once again through sending His son, Jesus.


  1. By this time Joseph and his family were in a house.
  2. Jesus was to be born in the city Bethlehem of Judah.
  3. Joseph was warned Herod would seek to kill Jesus. Therefore, he was to flee with his family to Egypt.
  4. Herod sought to kill Jesus by killing all the males two years old and younger.
  5. Joseph moved his family to Nazareth.
  6. The women of Bethlehem were of the tribe of Benjamin, descendants of Rachel. From Rachel came Benjamin.


  1. John was the cousin of Jesus (chosen to prepare the hearts of the people for turning back to the Lord).
  2. John ate locusts and wild honey.
  3. John preached repentance to the people and to turn from their sins.
  4. The Pharisees and Sadducees were accused of fleeing the wrath of God.
  5. a. The Pharisees and Sadducees must live righteously to show that their repentance is real. b.  We too must live righteously to show true repentance.
  6. Fruit worthy of repentance begins with obedience to God’s will and principles. Then we will produce fruit of justness, righteousness, and holiness before God and man.
  7. The ax is the word of God now coming forth to denounce the unrighteousness of the leaders, priests, and people.
  8. Those who do not bear fruit will be cut down and destroyed.
  9. a. Through the coming of Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit and the truth of God. Those who follow and obey will grow to spiritual cleanness. b. As fire removes the impurities in gold, so will we be purified through the Spirit and the word of God in life.
  10. The wheat is the true believer who serves God. The chaff is the one who does not serve God; he is worthless like the husks of the wheat stalk and will be thrown out and destroyed.
  11. John was to baptize Jesus so he would know the one who came with the Holy Spirit (see John 1:33) and for Jesus to identify with sinful man though He had no sin of which to repent.
  12. God spoke from heaven when Jesus was baptized (to show that Jesus was different from the rest who were being baptized).


  1. Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights in the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
  2. Satan tempted Jesus to use His power to provide for his needs (instead of depending on God), to blatantly test God (unlawful according to the law Deutoronomy 6:16), and to worship Satan for world glory and power.
  3. We are not to live by our own wisdom and for our will but by the wisdom and for the will of God through His word and Spirit. T is more important than food for the body. His word has lasting benefits.
  4. We must not blatantly test God in order for Him to prove his love and care for us.  Our relationship with God is based on trust and faith.
  5. Simon Peter and his brother Andrew were the first disciples chosen.
  6. Jesus taught in the synagogues and preached the gospel of the kingdom (the good news of the kingdom to come).



a.      The poor in spirit have a submissive will to God.

b.     Those who mourn over the fallen state of man, over sin, death, affliction, and injustice.

c.      The meek have a patient and quiet spirit (a controllable spirit).

d.     Those who hunger for righteousness have a strong desire to be holy and who hate any unrighteousness.

e.      The merciful are compassionate and forgiving.

f.       The pure in heart have no evil intentions. Their minds, motives, and principles are pure.

g.      The peacemakers seek to resolve problems, contentions, and strife rather than make them worse.

h.      The persecuted and reviled are ridiculed, reproached, persecuted, or oppressed for upholding righteousness and the principles of God.

  1. Rejoice when we are persecuted for it is evidence that we are Christians and we know our reward to come is great.
  2. a. As salt enhances flavor, we are the influence of God to the world. As salt purifies, we keep the world from purification b. If we lose our flavor we have no influence on the world and are only fit to be thrown out. We will be "trampled" (or scorned) by people.
  3. a. As a light eliminates darkness we enlighten a pure and holy life. The word of God should always be close to our tongues. b. We are not to hide the word from others but live it so good works may follow and God may be glorified.
  4. The commandments of God still apply today and are fulfilled by Christ through the Spirit in us now.
  5. True righteousness and holiness in our heart and lives (not just external show) are characteristic of those who will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
  6. a. We should resolve our conflicts with our brother first before coming before God. Otherwise we will be "unclean" when we come before God. b. By showing or harboring hatred toward our brother we do not have love. This is not of God and can lead one to the eternal fire. There were different degrees of punishment – judgment, council, or destruction. The more reproach or evil you had against your brother the stronger the punishment.
  7. We should seek to forgive and reconcile with each other rather than to let things get worse and possibly forfeit a chance for forgiveness.
  8. We must turn quickly and completely away from sin to avoid a lifestyle that will lead to death.
  9. You cause your spouse to commit adultery if you divorce them for any reason except marital unfaithfulness.
  10. a. We swear by nothing except by our word.  b. All is God's and is in His control. Our word is the only thing we can control or guarantee.
  11. This refers to insults not physical attacks. We do not return evil for evil verbally or by actions. (Let God take vengeance).
  12. We are to do good to and pray for those who hate us and spitefully use us. 


  1. Charitable deeds are done as secretly as possible. Do not look for the praise and recognition of others.
  2. God will reward you for your charitable deeds. Do not seek your own reward.
  3. We pray in private, between God and us. Do not pray before men to seek their praise or use vain repetitions. Talk simply and plainly from your heart to God.
  4. This is a prayer of substance not form. In our prayers we should include praise for God and His kingdom; ask for forgiveness of sins; ask to keep us from temptation; and provide for our basic needs.
  5. We must forgive others first then God will forgive us.
  6. When fasting present a normal appearance. Do not try to let others know you are fasting.
  7. Do not seek treasure here that will deteriorate and be stolen. Through our righteous acts and obedience to God we lay up treasures in heaven rather than material things on earth.
  8. What you gaze upon will fill your soul. If you look for evil, you will become evil. If you look for good, you will be good. Your eye fills your body.
  9. You cannot serve both God and money. You will be loyal to one and despise the other.
  10. God will provide our food and clothing. (Trust in Him especially in hard times.)


  1. Our judgment should not be made in haste or harshly for by the judgment we use we will receive in return. Be merciful and understanding considering ourselves in our weaknesses and also how we would want to be treated in the same or similar circumstance.
  2. First look at yourself to see your own sin or similar sin before judging your brother.
  3. Once you remove the plank (sin) from your eye, you will be able to see and know how to help your brother.
  4. An unbeliever or evil person will ridicule you and even persecute you about the word or anything holy. They will make a mockery of you and the word.
  5. When we ask, seek, and knock God will answer according to His will.
  6. a. The way to heaven is a restricted or a difficult path. To enter the narrow gate one must make a continual and sincere effort to walk in righteousness and obey the will of God. b. Only a few will be on the path through the narrow gate and uphold the will of God.
  7. The false prophets are wolves in sheep clothing that produce bad fruit. They appear to be godly on the outside but their hearts are far from God. [They will do evil to others and seek their own good or profit. As the false prophets did in the past, by not warning the people of impending judgment to come so they could turn from their sins, we today have the same issue in teachings or prophecy.  (One such doctrine today is to preach liberty for a Christian instead of fearing God's judgment on sin and complacency in their lives.)]
  8. A person’s actions and words will reveal what type of tree they are. A bad tree will cause hurt or suffering. A good tree will act in love and promote the will of God.
  9. a. Some workers have no real intimate relationship with God. Their goal was self-serving whether seeking power, status, or material gain it was not for the kingdom of God. (They go to church, perhaps fulfill some daily religious duties, yet sin against God and man just as any other might.) b. Some wonders were by deception other wonders came from God. God can use even the wicked to carry forward His will and purpose and do miracles.
  10. A true Christian knows the rock, faith in Jesus and obedience to His teachings. This person is on the rock or solid foundation and will continue to hold fast to his relationship and walk in the Lord.


  1. It was proper to perform the ceremonial act and gift before the priest as a witness before the people that the leper is now cleansed and could be included again in all of society.
  2. a. The Gentiles will come to faith in the Lord. b. The Israelites (Jews) are the sons who are cast out because of their unbelief in the Son of God.
  3. Jesus healed Peter’s mother of a fever and she got up and served them.
  4. Those spiritually dead (those uninterested in the Kingdom of God) can bury the dead. Those interested need to let nothing keep them from the work of the kingdom.
  5. They did not understand that the Son of God was with them. They feared the natural but the supernatural was with them! God is always with those who love Him and are obedient to Him.
  6. a. The demons know Jesus. b. The demons know the torment reserved for them in the end.  c. Jesus allowed the demons to enter into the swine (to show the evil intent of the demons and free the men of the evil spirits).


  1. Jesus proved to the scribes He had power on earth to forgive sin by healing the paralyzed man. They believed He had blasphemed but if they saw Him heal the man then they would believe God gave Him power to forgive sins.
  2. The righteouses were in good standing with God. The sinners are in need of repentance.
  3. Jesus is showing that the old way of the law could not exist with the new way of the Spirit.
  4. The faith in Jesus of the woman with the flow of blood healed her as she touched Jesus' garment.
  5. Jesus brought the young girl back to life.
  6. The faith of the two blind men in Jesus as the Messiah healed them.
  7. Jesus asked His disciples to pray for God to send more workers to the people for they were ready to accept the gospel and the words of life.


  1. Jesus gave the disciples power over unclean spirits and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease.
  2. The disciples were sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel first to receive the message of the kingdom.
  3. The disciples were to leave the city and shake off the dust from their feet that did not accept their message. Their fate would be in their own hands.
  4. Sodom and Gomorrah will be able to bear their punishment because no messenger of God came to them to redirect their hearts. The Jews have someone to tell them and will realize they turned down their opportunity for life.
  5. The Holy Spirit of God who is in us will speak through us.
  6. The vindication of the disciples’ truth, integrity, and innocence will be made known at some point and time whether here or at the judgment.
  7. We should fear God who can destroy the soul rather than man who can only destroy the body. God allows nothing to happen to us that He does not know or is in His will. The persecutors will face eternal consequences.
  8. We pray, are baptized, and attend church. Whether by our conversation or by our actions we show our allegiance to Jesus.
  9. a. We deny Jesus if our lives and our lips do not show we know and accept Jesus. b. If we do not accept and publicly live for Jesus He will deny us before God. We will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  10. a. The word of God is a sword. b. The righteous will face adversity with the unrighteous even within families.
  11. We live for Christ and God's will unto our death through oppression and persecution even if it seems burdensome or disgraceful according the world’s view.
  12. A disciple is a follower of Jesus and of God who sent His word through Jesus.


  1. John the Baptist was first to plant the doctrine of repentance to God and changed hearts, the same message Jesus would bring.
  2. The prophets before only spoke of the coming Messiah. John the Baptist actually introduces Him to the world. However, the least one in Heaven already knew of Jesus because He existed from the beginning with God.
  3. The kingdom of heaven was prophesied by the prophets but suffered nothing. Now, since John the Baptist through Jesus it suffers with opposition and persecution.
  4. John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah, serving God fully and turning the hearts of the people to God.
  5. This generation was like whining children whom you couldn’t please. They complained about the deliverer of the message whether John the Baptist or Jesus. They found fault with whoever preached it. Ultimately, they were not accepting of the word of God or the gospel of Christ.
  6. Sodom had no miracles performed in their time or they would have repented. The Jews will realize in the Day of Judgment the opportunity for repentance, which they rejected. They won’t be able to bear it.
  7. Compared to the ceremonial law with all it’s rituals and sacrificing acceptance of Christ requires only our faith and obedience which leads to righteousness resulting in peace within ourselves and the ability to bear the trials and pressures of life.


  1. The priests did the work of preparing the sacrifices and offerings on the Sabbath.
  2. Any good work or merciful deed could be done on the Sabbath or any day.
  3. Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath.
  4. Isaiah tells us Jesus would be meek, merciful, and compassionate unto His death. He would fulfill His purpose as directed by His Father.
  5. Knowingly and purposely speaking evil of the work of the Spirit and never repenting is an unpardonable sin. The priests accused Jesus of doing miracles by the power of Satan. They knowingly discredited and dishonored God and His Spirit in hopes of turning people away from Jesus and back to them. This is a sign of a heart that is far from God.
  6. Your mouth will speak what is in your heart.
  7. Since your words proceed from your heart they will either acquit you or condemn you in the Day of Judgment.
  8. Jesus would be in confinement as Jonah was in the whale. Jesus was taken on a Thursday night and raised by Sunday morning.  Therefore, it is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings.
  9. You must be careful not to let uncleanness back. Satan will bring a more complete work against you to make you worse than you were before. It is worse to have known the way of righteousness but fall away than never to have known righteousness.
  10. Those who do the will of God and accept the Gospel of Christ are one family. We have one Father but we are all brothers, sisters, and mothers in Christ.


  1. Whoever has knowledge of God and seeks it, more will be given to Him.
  2. The people hear but their hearts are hard and dull; they do not want to change or accept they are living wrong.
  3. a. The seed by the wayside are hearers who won’t accept the word. They hear the word but do not understand it, nor do they care to understand it. b. The seed in the stony places are those who gladly receive the word of God but have no root for further spiritual growth and strength. They fall away after a short time and in tribulation. c. The seed among thorns are those that receive the word and immediately start living for God (see vs. 5) but the cares of the world and the pursuit of worldly things become first in their lives instead of God. They once were fruitful but become unfruitful. d. The seed on good ground are those who receive the word let it take root and grow spiritually mature and righteous. They produce fruit within and outside themselves.
  4. The tares are not pulled up early because God will judge all at the time of the white throne judgment.
  5. God’s kingdom starts small but will grow above all kingdoms (herbs). We will find rest and life there too.
  6. The kingdom of heaven can change you. The kingdom of God will eventually affect our whole life and the world in the end.
  7. You will give up your life pursuits for the life God has for you when you realize the value of His kingdom.
  8. People will quit searching for the things of the world once they find the Kingdom of Heaven. It is all that they need.
  9. The angels will come with Jesus and separate the good from the bad.
  10. The householder is the scribe or teacher of God's word both past and present. The old is the law, the new is the gospel.  The disciples will be the teachers of the word and gospel.
  11. Jesus did have at least four brothers and some sisters.


  1. The daughter of Herodias (Philips' former wife now married to Herod the brother of Phillip) prompted by her mother's wishes.
  2. a. With five loaves of bread and two fish Jesus fed 5000 men besides women and children. b. Twelve baskets of fragments were left over.
  3. a. Peter walked on water to meet Jesus. b. He had enough faith to begin but not enough faith to keep going when he saw the circumstances around him.


  1. The Pharisees were teaching the people to give to the temple even though their parents were poor and in need of help.
  2. Your mouth will speak what is in your heart. If evil or uncleanness is there you will speak those things and be defiled by them.
  3. The dogs were the Gentiles at that time and were idol worshipers.
  4. a. The woman wanted Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. b. She showed faith and submissiveness to the true Master, the God of Jesus though she was a Gentile.
  5. a. Jesus fed 4000 men besides women and children. b. Jesus fed the 4000 with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. c. Seven baskets full of fragments were left over.


  1. The teachings and doctrines of the Pharisees were unholy and misleading.
  2. Knowing, believing, and confessing the Father and the Son through the Spirit is the rock. This relationship through the Spirit is how the church will be built.
  3. If you are a rock Hades (the abode of the dead) will not be able to keep your soul. God will resurrect you to life.
  4. The teachings and truths of God are the keys to heaven.
  5. a. The teachings (keys) that you accept are already regulation in heaven. b. The teachings you reject are already rejected in heaven. [The Greek Interlinear renders ‘bind’ and ‘loose’ with  "has been done" and “has been released” in heaven already (they are principles of heaven already). What the Spirit leads you to bind or loose is from heaven and the will of God.
  6. Peter said Jesus would not have to die. This was the influence of Satan using the weakness of human nature and self-will over the will of God to weaken Jesus and abort His mission.
  7. Life is not about us but about obedience to God. We submit our will and desires for the will and desires of God (just as Jesus did). Everything we do we should confer with God, His word, and be in His will. We live to please Him and are content with what He gives us.
  8. We must die to self-will before we can be resurrected to life. There would be some who would not die to self (vs. 25) and take up their cross until they see the power of the gospel come. The power was shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus and also at the Day of Pentecost.


  1. a. Peter, James, and John went with Jesus. b. They saw Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. c. God spoke from Heaven. d. Moses and Elijah represent the law and the prophets. This was a sign to the disciples of Jesus’ leadership and authority over the people. He was the one, the Messiah to come. It also symbolizes the transition of the old covenant to the new covenant.
  2. John came in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the people to God.
  3. The faith of the disciples was weak. They doubted because of the severity of the boy's problem. They needed to pray and fast. (In Mark 9:29 it is recorded that they needed to pray first. This would involve God and show that the healing power comes from Him.)
  4. a. Jesus was the King of the temple. Jesus was of the royal family who was not to be taxed. b. Jesus sent Peter to catch a fish. In its mouth he would find money for the temple tax. c. God will provide the righteous whatever is needed. We will not have to worry where it will come from.


  1. a. As children are submissive and dependent on the guidance and teaching of their parents we too should we be submissive and be lead and taught by our Father in heaven. b. Those that humble themselves are dependent and submissive to God and will be great in the kingdom of heaven.
  2. The children represent a new or fragile believer.
  3. It is important to avoid sin to have eternal life. Whatever causes us to sin we must stop or our soul will be in danger of the “hell fire”.
  4. If a believer is to stray (whether by someone’s influence - vs. 6 or on their own) he must be restored. It is God’s will that he be restored to the fold.
  5. This teaching deals not only with a straying brother but also with one who has sinned against us. First we should go to him and try to resolve the issue. If he does not listen, you should take one or two more brothers with you. If he still does not listen, bring the matter before the church. If he still does not listen, stay away from Him and cease to acknowledge him as a brother.
  6. The principles, teachings, and authority of the kingdom of heaven bind our decision about a brother. The scripture binds a believer in sin. If we shun him we have loosed him according to the word. Whomever we correct, rebuke, or shun will be in harmony to the will of God.
  7. We should always forgive those who ask us for forgiveness.
  8. We must forgive others and God will forgive us.
  9. God has freely forgiven us many sins. The sins by our brother are comparatively small. We too should forgive our brother as God forgives us.


  1. a. The hearts of the people were hard. They refused to reconcile with their spouse. (In the real world this would lead to sin and even hate through contentions and disrespecting one another.) b. We should only be divorced for marital unfaithfulness. (In this writer’s opinion, those being abused should not dwell under the same roof with the abuser. God will allow divorce if the abuser will not change. )
  2. a. Jesus knew the rich man’s security and peace was in the law and his money (Mk. 10:24) rather than the gospel and God. b. In this state he had not been perfect in the law. Though he had followed the majority of the commandments he neglected the most important ones - loving God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself. Severe neglect of these would cost him his salvation. c. The rich man needs to love God by serving and trusting Him with his wealth for the kingdom of God.
  3. Priorities will change in your life. Self-will will become last and God’s will becomes first when you begin to live for God. Those who put themselves first will fail in salvation. Those who put the kingdom of God first will obtain eternal life.


  1. The grace of God is the same for all believers. God's rewards are not for the self-serving but for those who serve to benefit the kingdom.
  2. The mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee (Mark 10:35), asked Jesus to set them on each side of His throne in His kingdom.
  3. Those who put themselves last by becoming a servant to others will become great.
  4. Jesus healed two blind men when He left Jericho. (Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 record a similar account but with only one blind man.)


  1. Jesus rode on a colt, the foal of a donkey, when He came in to Jerusalem (Matt. 21:5; Mark 11:2; Luke 19:30; John 12:14, 15).
  2. The people were selling in the temple to make a profit. The temple was to be a place of sincere worship of God, not a place to do business.
  3. God expects us to produce fruit not just profess our faith. Faith without works is dead. We show our faith by our works. God doesn’t want a people who are all leaves and no fruit.
  4. Denying John’s ministry the priests feared the wrath of the people who held John as a genuine prophet. Acknowledging John’s ministry was from heaven would give Jesus’ ministry their confession as coming from heaven too.
  5. The two sons represented the Pharisees and sinners. The Pharisees who knew the scriptures and were to lead the people did not repent and accept Jesus even when they saw sinners coming to the Lord. 
  6. The priest and elders were the vinedressers. They rejected the prophets since the beginning even killing some. Now, they rejected John the Baptist and Jesus whom they will kill. God looked for fruit from Israel’s leadership, but found little. In the end they will be lost and the kingdom opened to the Gentiles whom He would use to advance His kingdom.
  7. Jesus is the foundation of the church and the judge or smiting stone of the unbeliever. We can be broken in humble surrender before God or be completely broken in judgment.


  1. The parable of the wedding feast follows the parable of the vinedressers and is a continuation of that teaching – rejection of the Christ and the gospel by the Jewish leadership and acceptance by the Gentiles. The Pharisees wanted to maintain the law instead of being covered by the blood of Jesus.
  2. a. All people are invited for salvation but the blood of Jesus will not cover some. b. God's Spirit is in the ones who do His will.
  3. The Pharisees and Sadducees wanted to trap Jesus into saying something they could use against Him.
  4. Those who are righteous before God are only asleep in His eyes when the die. They will be awakened to a new life.
  5. The two greatest commandments are 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.
  6. Jesus not only humbled them concerning their knowledge of the scriptures but also showed them a truth about the Messiah.  The Jews understood the Messiah would be a man or king from the line of David. The passage from Psalm 110:1 reveals His existence with the Father many centuries ago. Jesus was both Divine and human.


  1. The Pharisees and Sadducees loved to look good on the outside to impress men but were rotten on the inside ("like dead men’s' bones, full of uncleanness"). They appeared righteous to men but were full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
  2. We have only one father who deserves the highest spiritual honor and authority - God in heaven is our spiritual father. Our earthly fathers and teachers should never receive this type of honor.
  3. The sons would measure up to the sins of their fathers who in the past had killed the prophets. They would do the same to Jesus, the disciples, and future servants.
  4. The people would kill those sent in the name of Jesus, scourge them, and persecute them from city to city.


  1. The temple would be destroyed.
  2. Some signs of the time of the end are false Christ (those who claimed to be the Messiah or a messenger of God), wars, and rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes. Disciples will be killed, iniquity will abound, but the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached into the entire world.
  3. The decline of love is the consequence of abounding lawlessness. People will be self-centered and untrusting because of not being able to trust others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  4. a. The abomination is the destruction of Jerusalem and defilement of the temple (See Dan. 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Luke 21:20-24). God allows this abomination that causes desolation, thus spoken of by Daniel the prophet (9:27).  b.  The Jews are to flee quickly to safety not stopping to take anything with them. Only those who heed the warning will survive.
  5. It would be more difficult to escape in the winter, a Sabbath, or if pregnant. They will be vulnerable in their efforts to escape. Under the law the Jews could not travel but short distances on the Sabbath. They would be unable to flee to the mountains and caves for fear of breaking the law.
  6. The return of Jesus will not be secret or private, but as lightning that flashes across the sky. His coming will be open, swift, and unexpected.
  7. Immediately after the tribulation of those days (the Great Tribulation) the cosmic disturbances will occur, Jesus will appear in the sky with His angels, a trumpet will sound, and the elect will be gathered from the four corners of the earth.
  8. True believers will understand the return of Jesus and see the signs of His coming, as when we see a fig tree put forth leaves we know summer is coming.
  9. The lost will be living normal lives totally oblivious to Christ’s return. (When the cosmic disturbance occurs then things will not be normal.)
  10. We must be found always doing what God would have us to be doing - living righteously and serving in the kingdom. Those sidetracked or in darkness will be left when Jesus returns.


  1. a. The wise virgins are the people who watch and stay ready for the return of Christ. b. The foolish virgins are those who had God on their lips rather than in their hearts. c. The oil is the Spirit and the word of God. Both anoint us for a righteous walk and spiritual growth.
  2. a. We are the servants - those who know God and His will. b. God gives us knowledge, gifts of the Spirit, and the ability to serve Him. c. The one who does not use his talents is unprofitable to God and will be cast out into darkness on the Last Day. (The sins of omission may ultimately be more dangerous than the sins of commission.)
  3. Those who use their ‘talents’ will be given more opportunity to serve God. Those who neglect their ‘talents' in service to God will lose what they have and are in danger of the judgment. What they were entrusted with will be given to those who do use their ‘talents’ to produce fruit in the kingdom.
  4. This is ‘talents’ in action. We should be ministering to the needs of others in our service to God. We must have hearts willing to help.
  5. Whenever we help someone in need, visit the sick, or feed the hungry we help and serve the Lord.
  6. The nations will be gathered before Jesus and He will judge them. He will separate those who will be in His kingdom from those that He will send to everlasting punishment.


  1. Mary, the sister of Lazarus whom Jesus had raised from the dead (John 11:2; 12:3) poured fragrant oil on the head of Jesus. (She seems to be the same woman in Luke 7:37-38, Mark 14:3, and John 11:2. Luke only records the event while Matthew, Mark, and John record Jesus going into Bethany. Matthew and Mark record this as anointing of Jesus’ head. Luke and John as anointing His feet.)
  2. Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
  3. a. The bread symbolizes Jesus’ body given as the sacrifice (the body of the lamb). b. The wine symbolizes Jesus' blood which is shed for the forgiveness of sins (the blood of the lamb).
  4. Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.
  5. Repeating our prayers is not unspiritual or shows a lack of faith. Some hyper-spiritual people believe that if we ask for something more than once, it shows we don’t have faith. Jesus shows us that repeated prayer is completely consistent with steadfast faith.
  6. The servant of the High Priest had his ear cut off by Peter (John 18:10).
  7. Peter began to curse and swear as he denied knowing the Lord.


  1. Judas had worldly sorrow because of his guilty conscience. He was guilty before men instead of God. True repentance would have led him to the feet of Jesus instead of killing himself. More clues about his soul: In John 12:6 we find that he was a thief. John 17:12 confirms that he was the only one of the twelve to be lost as scripture foretold for he was the son of perdition. Jesus uttered how serious the consequences would be for Judas (Mt. 26:24).
  2. Jesus was brought to Pontius Pilate the governor for questioning. (Luke 23:6-12 records Jesus questioned also by Herod.)
  3. a. Pilate’s wife advised him to have nothing to do with Jesus; do not be responsible for His blood. b. Pilate frees himself of the responsibility, of the decision of Jesus' death leaving the Jews to decide what to do with Jesus.
  4. Simon of Cyrene helped carry the cross for Jesus.
  5. The sour wine was used to diminish the senses of the crucified. This would ease their suffering but could also speed up their death as they would no longer lift themselves up to breath while on the cross.
  6. Jesus was ready to die and go to the Father. He had suffered very much (See Ps. 22:1, 16-20).
  7. The veil before the Holy of Holies was torn in two when Jesus died. Now we approach God directly rather than going through a high priest.
  8. a. Some of the graves of saints were opened up during the earthquake and their bodies poured forth out of the grave and came to life being witnessed by many in the city. b. The dead coming to life was proof to all saints and a statement to others that the resurrection is real, Jesus s the Messiah, and He is the Son of God.
  9. Jesus was questioned during the night before the dawn of the Preparation Day (the day before the Sabbath) and further abused and then crucified later that morning. (This would be Thursday night and Friday morning.)
  10. a. The Pharisees and chief priests wanted Pilate to post guards at Jesus’ tomb. b. They wanted to prevent Jesus' body from being stolen so no report could be given that He had been resurrected.


  1. The two Marys came to the tomb f Jesus the day after the Sabbath, the first day of the week.
  2. Jesus suffered three days and three nights just as He said would be His sign (as Jonah in the whale).  (The night before Preparation Day, the night of Preparation Day and the night of the Sabbath. The day of Preparation Day, the day of the Sabbath, and the morning of the day after the Sabbath.)
  3. An earthquake occurred, and an angel rolled the stone back that sealed the tomb.
  4. The chief priests paid the Romans guards to say they had fallen asleep and the body of Jesus was stolen by His disciples.
  5. We baptize under the authority of the Father, in the power of the Son's blood (the forgiveness of sins), and in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  As Israel was once baptized unto Moses and the law, the world must receive the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as lawgiver and teacher.