

Updated 02/2024


  1. The Word is the thought and mind of God. It is His wisdom and intelligence. It is the light, the life, the power, and the truth of God by which men live.
  2. a. Jesus was with God in the beginning. b. God made all things (Gen. 1:1).
  3. The word of God is life and the light of man leading to eternal life.
  4. The light is the map to life. By following and obeying the word of God, we follow the road map to eternal life.
  5. God’s word is purity. Darkness cannot bind to it. It cannot defeat the light nor overcome it.
  6. John was to turn the hearts of the people back to God and to prepare them for the Messiah who would become the Light.
  7. We are born a spiritual birth through obeying the will of God.
  8. Jesus was the word of God who became flesh to give understanding of God and His will - to reveal His mind to the world.
  9. a. No man on earth has seen God. b. Through the works and teachings of Jesus we learned the mind of God.
  10. Andrew the brother of Peter was a disciple of John and became a disciple of Jesus.
  11. Nathanael called Jesus the Son of God, the King of Israel.
  12. Jesus is the link between heaven and earth. He had the power and favor of God upon Him.


  1. a. Mary wanted Jesus to create wine. b. Jesus told his mother "My hour has not yet come." c. Mary knew Jesus had the power to make more wine.
  2. Jesus had a zeal for worshiping God. The people were doing business there for profit instead of solely worshiping God. They were defiling the use of the temple.
  3. Jesus was referring to the temple of His body that would be raised after His death by the power of God.


  1. a. Nicodemus must be born again spiritually. b. We too must be born again spiritually and continue to be attentive to God's will and Spirit to walk in righteousness.
  2. We believe in Jesus who was sent by God to enlighten us in the will of God, to die for our sins, and to send the Holy Spirit in us to become our light to life.
  3. Those who choose not to believe are choosing darkness over light. Not wanting to change, they will be condemned for not accepting the words of Jesus.
  4. a. The believers, the church, are the bride of the Messiah. b. Jesus is the bridegroom. c. John the Baptist is the friend.
  5. Jesus received the Spirit of God without limit. He was full of knowledge, wisdom, and power from heaven.


  1. The city of Samaria became a group of foreigners after the Assyrians captured the city. They were not Jews any longer (2Ki.17:24).
  2. The gift of God was the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus.
  3. The living water is the Holy Spirit.
  4. We drink daily from the Holy Spirit, which will sustain and mature us in God’s will and in righteousness.
  5. We must yield our hearts to God in spirit and truth. We are His temples now.
  6. The early prophets, teachers of the Jews, John the Baptist, and now Jesus have sown the seed of the Messiah whom the people were looking. The apostles will reap the present harvest of believers.
  7. The son was healed at the same hour that Jesus spoke to the father.


  1. Jesus healed a man who had an infirmity of thirty-eight years that made him unable to walk.
  2. The sin of the man had caused the infirmity. If repeated, worse would happen to him, either a worse infirmity or the agony of the hellfire.
  3. Jesus provides spiritual life and physical life whether life from the grave at the resurrection or being made alive from our sins once we believe and accept Him.
  4. God gave Jesus the authority to provide life to those who come to Him.
  5. The people should have known the Messiah from the scriptures and testimony of the prophets and rejoiced to see Him, but they did not accept or believe He was the Messiah.
  6. Moses wrote of the Messiah and they professed to believe Moses but yet they did not accept Jesus. Their lack of belief would judge them.


  1. a. Jesus fed five thousand men besides women and children. b. Jesus had five loaves of bread and two small fish. c. Twelve baskets of fragments.
  2. Jesus walked on water.
  3. Many of the people sought Jesus their physical and material needs.
  4. Jesus had the words to eternal life and wanted the people to seek the food which has everlasting life.
  5. God gave to Jesus all who would believe on Him.
  6. Believers will be raised on the last day (the resurrection of the dead).
  7. Jesus clarified that He has seen the Father and was speaking to them the Father's words because no one (on earth) has seen or can approach God. Jesus was the ambassador of God.
  8. He who feeds on Jesus will live. We must believe in Jesus and receive His words feeding on them daily.


  1. The brothers of Jesus seemed to suggest His popularity would increase among people especially at that time because of the feast going on then.  However, they did not believe in Him and may have suggested this in cynicism knowing He would have trouble with the Jews in Judea.
  2. No one spoke freely about Jesus for they were afraid of the Jews.
  3. God gave Jesus the words to speak to the people.
  4. Just as circumcision was allowed on a Sabbath so the law of circumcision would not be broken, Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath was done in righteousness too. The law allowed works of necessity and mercy even on the Sabbath. The people needed to look not on appearance but deep into the things Jesus did so they might see the good and the righteousness in it.
  5. The Holy Spirit would come to those who believe in Jesus after He is glorified through His death and resurrection.
  6. Nicodemus spoke to defend Jesus saying the law could not judge anyone until there was a fair trial.


  1. The scriptures bear witness of Jesus as foretold by God to the prophets. God also spoke of the Son from above at His baptism and the miracles Jesus did could only be of God.
  2. A disciple of Jesus abides in the words of Jesus by believing He is the Messiah and by continuing and holding fast to truth and righteousness.
  3. Continuing in truth and righteousness will keep you from being a slave to sin.
  4. The people should have Abraham’s spirit of faith and belief in the word of God and therefore believe in Jesus. Instead they had disbelief and a murderous attitude.
  5. Abraham saw the prophetic view. God’s promise to him was a multitude of descendants and a seed that would bless all the people. This prophecy began the day his son Isaac was born.
  6. Jesus existed before Abraham.


  1. The man was born blind to show the works of God in him through Jesus.
  2. Jesus was the light to the world and the works He was to do will end upon His death.
  3. God hears those who worship Him and follow His will.
  4. The people refused to believe Jesus came from God. It was plain to the healed man that only a man from God could do such miracles.
  5. The Pharisees supposed they could "see" so they knew God. However, if they knew Him they would know to accept Jesus as the one sent by God. Therefore, they were blind and in sin


  1. The sheep that believe in Jesus and follow Him hear His voice.
  2. The Gentiles (in one body, one spirit, and one Lord - Eph. 2; 11-16; 4:4) are the other sheep Jesu will bring with Him.
  3. Jesus had power from God to die and then to live.
  4. The Father and Jesus are united in purpose concerning the protection and salvation of the believer. Followers of Jesus are in His hand and He is in the Father's hand. Whoever accepts Jesus will be accepted and protected by the Father also.
  5. Those who God trusted with His word to rule or lead the people in the will of God were called gods (Ps. 82:1, 6). In the time of Moses, he was God to Aaron and Aaron was prophet to Pharaoh (Ex. 4:16; 7:1).



  1. Jesus was the light of God and knew it was not time for His death yet. He had power to lay it down when He wanted.
  2. Martha believed Lazarus would live again on the last day at the resurrection.
  3. Jesus prayed so the people could hear and know that the power to raise the dead was from God working through Him.
  4. The priests and Pharisees feared the reprimand of the Romans and also the loss of their authority over the people.
  5. Caiaphas feared many would die by the Romans because of Jesus. It would be better for one to die than risk the whole nation.
  6. Caiaphas knew that the Messiah would suffer death for the world. He thought it beneficial to their positions if they helped this along.




  1. a. Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with the costly oil and wiped them with her hair in preparation of His death. She is the same woman in Luke 7:37-38, Matthew 26:6, Mark 14:3. Luke does not mention the city where this occurs but Matthew, Mark, and John identify the city of Bethany. b. The oil cost three hundred denari (about 1 year’s wages). c. Judas claimed it was a waste of money because he was a thief and wanted the oil for the money he could get.
  2. The Pharisees wanted to kill Lazarus also because on account of Lazarus raising from the dead by Jesus many of the Jews left them and went to Jesus believing in Him.
  3. If you love the world and live for your pleasure you will not be living for God. This leads to eternal death. If you love God and seek to please Him more than your pleasures or the world you will have eternal life.
  4. The time had come for Jesus' death and resurrection and Satan's defeat. Death would not hold man in the grave any longer.
  5. Some believed in Jesus but feared the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogues. They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
  6. Jesus spoke the word and did thel things the Father instructed Him to do. He was the messenger of God.
  7. The word of God Jesus spoke that we should have regarded and obeyed will judge us on the last day.
  8. The word was everlasting life through Jesus. (Believe in Jesus, live to please God, and receive salvation of your soul.)




  1. Jesus wiped the disciples feet to show them not only to be humble, but also to be a servant in the spreading of the gospel.
  2. The disciples were clean because they have believed and followed Jesus.
  3. Judas Iscariot was the betrayer of Jesus.
  4. Jesus would be glorified by His death and resurrection and would sit at the right hand of God in heaven.
  5. If we demonstrate love for one another we show we are of Christ.
  6. Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times.




  1. The disciples should know where Jesus is going for many times He told them all things concerning His death and resurrection and heaven. Also, He had just told them He was going to His Father’s house and would prepare a place for them.
  2. The works and words of Jesus were of the Father working in Him. Jesus gave us a manifestation of God.
  3. If we love Jesus we must keep His commandments and teachings.
  4. The Holy Spirit will be given to help us follow the commandments and to remember the teachings of Jesus.
  5. The Spirit was in Jesus doing the works and teaching the disciples the way, the truth, and the life.
  6. Once the disciples saw Jesus resurrected from the dead they would understand fully and believe the Father was in Him.
  7. We are in Jesus by believing, obeying, and continuing in His commandments united with Him in purpose and will (and therefore with God also).
  8. The Spirit will teach us all things and bring into remembrance all things Jesus said to us.




  1. a. Jesus is the vine. b. God is the vinedresser. c. The believers are the branches.
  2. a. A branch is pruned to help it produce more fruit or better fruit. b. God corrects us and gives us knowledge so we can remove the unclean things in our life resulting in a more righteous and fruitful walk with God.
  3. We are to show by our lives that we are under the influence of Christ. We should produce goodness, righteousness, and truth and draw others into the kingdom of God.
  4. If we are not producing fruit we are cast out as a branch, withered, and thrown into the fire (we will be cut out of the body of Christ and the kingdom).
  5. a. To continue in the commandments and teachings of Jesus we abide in Him. b. Jesus is the vine that feeds the branches. He is the foundation and cornerstone of our belief. If we are not in Him we will not produce fruit. Detached from Jesus we will wither and become like a dead branch.
  6. If we abide in Jesus we will produce much fruit and our bearing fruit will glorify God. When we abide in the doctrines of Jesus we essentially honor and emulate the will of God.
  7. If we keep the commandments and teachings of Jesus we will abide in His love.
  8. We are not of the world and we are no better than our Master. Jesus was persecuted so will we. The persecutors will not know God nor love the people of God.
  9. The people were guilty of other sins but they were given the gospel of Jesus and now would add the sin of rejecting the Son of God.
  10. a. The Spirit will continue to reveal Jesus to us and to continue His teachings in us. b. We testify of Jesus through our words and actions. His life and words are manifested through us by our life.




  1. The sins of man had to be forgiven before the Spirit and presence of God would dwell among men.
  2. The advantage of the Holy Spirit is He will be omnipresent. He will continue the work of Jesus through many people and in many places at the same time. Jesus was limited to wherever He was at the time.
  3. a. The Spirit will show the sin of rejecting Jesus. b. The Spirit will show us the righteousness and innocence of Jesus because He will be in heaven. c. The Spirit will show us the judgment of Satan and the unrighteous. (The Spirit draws us, teaches us in the way of the Lord, and saves us from the lake of fire.)
  4. The Spirit proceeds from the Father and does not act independently but will be prompted to declare the things of God. He will guide us into all truth and will tell us things to come.
  5. The essence, wisdom, and power of the Father concerning salvation are in Jesus and will be declared to the believers by the Holy Spirit.
  6. Jesus will be in Heaven. The Holy Spirit will be here with us and in us. We will ask God directly in the name of Jesus and He will answer.
  7. The Father will love us because we love His son and believe He came from the Father.



  1. a. The Son would be raised from the dead and ascend into heaven and restored to His place with the Father. b. Jesus’ whole life glorified God by His obedience, faith, and His works He gave honor to God in all He did. (The power of God would be made true by Jesus' resurrection. The world will hear and know of God's power and give glory to Him.)
  2. To know God and Jesus intimately is the source of eternal life.
  3. God the Father is the only God. Keep from idols (1 John 5:20).
  4. Jesus wanted the honor of being with the Father in heaven and with the honor He had with Him even before the earth was made.
  5. All men and disciples were God’s and given to Jesus to teach and for them to witness the works of God through Jesus.
  6. Jesus kept the disciples in the knowledge and worship of God and preserved in obedience to Him.
  7. The word of God we follow and obey will sanctify and transform us.
  8. Jesus followed and obeyed God's word devoted to the ministry of redemption and led the disciples by example so they could continue sanctification.
  9. Jesus is in the Father and we are in Jesus. We are united spiritually in the same plan, purpose, and desired result – to grow in knowledge and worship of God, to serve Him in the kingdom, to develop believers, and to save souls.


  1. Peter cut off the ear of the servant of the High Priest.
  2. a. Peter denied that he was a disciple of Jesus. b. The rooster crowed after the third denial by Peter as Jesus foretold.
  3. Barabbas, a robber was chosen by the people over Jesus.


  1. Pilate had been given his power and allowed to crucify Jesus by God.
  2. a. Pilate made a sign for the cross of Jesus that said Jesus of Nazareth - The King of the Jews. b. The Jews wanted a sarcastic title that said “He said I am the King of The Jews." c. Pilate would not honor their request, but had grown weary of their requests.
  3. The mother of Jesus was to be taken under the care of His disciple John.
  4. Jesus was crucified on preparation day of the Passover week, the day before the Sabbath (this was a Friday).


  1. Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb of Jesus.
  2. The empty tomb was discovered on the first day of the week which was the day after the Sabbath (Sunday).
  3. Jesus suffered three days and three nights just as He said would be His sign (as Jonah in the whale).  (The night before Preparation Day, the night of Preparation Day and the night of the Sabbath. The day of Preparation Day, the day of the Sabbath, and the morning of the day after the Sabbath.)
  4. a. Peter and John ran to the tomb of Jesus. b. John out ran Peter. c. John did not go in at first but Peter went in.
  5. Mary did not recognize Jesus at first. Probably due to her distress, she thought He was the gardener. When Jesus said her name she knew Him then.
  6. Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples.
  7. The disciples would have power to forgive or not to forgive sins.
  8. Thomas doubted the resurrection of Jesus.
  9. As Moses was God to Aaron (Ex. 4:16) and Pharaoh (Ex. 7:1) because he had the words of God, in the same way was Jesus God to Thomas and to all because God was in Jesus.


  1. The disciples went fishing and went on with life as usual.
  2. Peter denied Jesus three times. If Peter loved Him he needed to be about the work of spreading the gospel and strengthening the faith of those who believe.
  3. Peter would also be crucified.