

Updated 01/2024


  1. Hosea prophesied in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel
  2. Hosea's marriage to the harlot symbolized the spiritual adultery of the people turning away from God to serve other gods.
  3. Hosea’s first son symbolized Israel would be scattered and the promise to Jehu that his sons would sit on the throne of Israel only to the fourth generation. After this Israel would be taken captive (2Ki. 10:30-31).
  4. Hosea’s daughter symbolized God's position against Israel - no mercy.
  5. Hosea’s third child symbolized that God would separate Himself from Israel.


  1. God will cease their feast days, the new moon celebrations, the Sabbaths, and other appointed feasts.


  1. The adulterous woman represented the love of the Lord for His people who looked to other gods.
  2. Israel, for a period of time, would be without a king or priest. (They would be in captivity by Assyria.)


  1. Swearing, lying, killing, stealing, adultery, and bloodshed were rampant in the land. There is no truth or mercy. There were swearing and lying, killing and stealing, committing adultery, with bloodshed upon bloodshed, and no knowledge of God in the land.
  2. The prophets and the priests rejected knowledge of God and the law of God. Truth and righteousness was not given to the people.
  3. Without understanding God and His word, God’s people are destined for destruction. Those with no understanding (and will not understand the law) of God will be trampled because of their sin.
  4. The men have set the bad example causing the daughters to sin.


  1. Our deeds should be directed toward God and for God. Their deeds would not allow them to turn toward God.
  2. Ephraim was prideful in their strength and wealth and had forsaken God. They symbolized the pride that God hated.  Instead of God, they sought Assyria’s help and turned to Baal.
  3. Ephraim must acknowledge their sins and then seek God.


  1. This prophecy parallels the death and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.  Literally it refers to God’s anger with them is short-lived but His mercy will come.
  2. Israel’s faith lasted only as long as a morning cloud or the dew on the ground.
  3. God desires their mercy to others and to possess knowledge of Him.


1.      Ephraim hired among the nations for help instead of obeying God and getting His help.


  1. Israel rejected the covenant, rebelled against the law, and rejected the good. They set up kings and princes to lead them but without consulting God and made idols for themselves.
  2. Israel sought Assyria and other nations for help instead of God.


  1. God viewed Israel as a cluster of grapes found in the wilderness and like the first fruits on the fig tree Israel was pleasing in His eyes.
  2. Israel became an abomination to God.
  3. Israel would have no one to protect them from any evil because God would turn his face away from them. God would cause them to dwindle. There would be no births, pregnancies, or conception. If the children did survive they would be killed later.


  1. The people and the priests of Samaria had created the image of the calf to worship. It would be taken away from them during their captivity.


  1. The people observed rituals but did not fear or love God as the mighty powerful and only God who held their lives in His hands. They were constantly backsliding and idol worshiping.


  1. Ephraim turned to Assyria and Egypt for help.
  2. God will judge Judah because of their ways and all their deeds.
  3. Life is a struggle to do right before man and God (as Jacob struggled). Jacob struggled but sought God. He wrestled with the Angel of the Lord all night to receive His blessing (Gen 32:24-30) and God appeared to him at Bethel and he made a vow to God (Gen 28:10-19). We are to be merciful and just and wait on God's help continually.


  1. God will send Jesus as the ransom for all people (1 Co 15:55).
  2. Their prosperity, their land, and their riches and wealth shall dry up when captivity from the East came upon them.


  1. Prayers of repentance for sins and praise for God’s forgiveness and salvation, and worship of God are the sacrifice of the lips.
  2. God would forgive them, heal them, and turn His anger away from doing them harm.
  3. By obeying God Ephraim would be blessed and prosperous. They would grow, spread, and become beautiful.
  4. The ways of the Lord are righteous. People transgress by not following and obeying God.  (They will remain in sin, conflict, and the wrath of God)