

Updated 01/2024


  1. God wanted His people to rebuild His temple in Jerusalem. They had worked on their houses, why should the temple lie in ruins?
  2. In the second year of King Darius they began to rebuild the Temple of the Lord.


  1. The temple was as nothing compared to the first temple in all its glory.
  2. People from all nations would come to the temple with their desires (treasures or wealth) of silver and gold. (NKJ, NIV, NLT)
  3. The people were unclean to God through disobedience to God. The temple could not be clean until the people were obedient to God
  4. God struck the people with famine, blight, mildew, and hail. He did not bless their lives.
  5. God asked His people to consider the difference in their lives and the withholding of God's blessings before the temple was rebuilt and now His blessings after the rebuilding of it.
  6. Zerubbabel was of the lineage of Jesus (Matthew 1:12-17).