Updated 11/2023




  1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
  2. a. Light. God divided the light from the darkness refers to either the separation of good and evil or it is literally a reference to day and night as is stated in verse 5. If the latter is the meaning then this is when days and nights were separated but there was no reference to actually time of the day, month, or year. This would come later when God creates the sun, the moon, and the stars (vs. 14). b. Firmament (sky) c. Dry land (earth) d. Stars, sun, and moon. e. All the sea animals and flying creatures. f. God created all living creatures, wild animals, and human beings.


  1. God rested on the seventh day
  2. a. The dust of the earth. b. All the wild animals and all the birds were formed out of the ground.
  3. The first river is Pishon that flowed around the land of Havilah. The second is Gihon that flowed around the land of Cush. The third is Hiddekel (Tigris), which flows east of Assyria.  The fourth river is the Euphrates River. (The Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris.)
  4. Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
  5. Woman was formed out of the rib of the man.
  6. They were forbidden to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


  1. The serpent fooled Eve into eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
  2. a. The serpent would crawl on his belly and eat dust. b. Man would have to toil the ground to grow his food. c. Woman would have painful births and be subject to the man.
  3. The Garden of Eden provided all the food he needed but due to the curse man would have to toil for his food outside the Garden of Eden.
  4. A sword was placed there to guard the tree of life lest man would eat of it and live forever.


1.      He did not honor God by his offering as Abel did. Abel gave of life and blood to receive righteousness (atonement) from God. Cain’s gift was convenient and came from the ground, which God had cursed.

  1. Cain killed Abel.
  2. God put a curse on Cain and sent him out from His presence.
  3. Cain feared someone would find him and kill him. b. God set a mark on Cain to protect him.
  4. Seth.


  1. Enoch walked with God three hundred years and did not die.
  2. Noah came from the descendants of Seth.
  3. Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


  1. a. The descendants of Seth and Cain. b. They took the daughters of men as wives based on the lust of the eye.
  2. a. Man was very wicked and bent on evil. b. He was sorry he had made man.
  3. a. Noah found grace in God. b. Noah was to build an ark.
  4. 300 cubits long (450 feet), 50 cubits wide (75 feet), 30 cubits high (45 feet).
  5. Of all living things, birds of the air, and creeping things two pair, a male and a female, were to be taken


  1. a. Seven each of all clean animals were to be taken, a male and a female. This would be one male for each female. b. Two each of the unclean animals, a male and his female, were taken
  2. Forty days and forty nights it rained upon the earth.
  3. Eight people were on the ark. Noah and his wife, Noah’s three sons and their wives.
  4. The sea creatures likely survived in the seas and the fish of the lakes too.


  1. The ark floated 150 days.
  2. From the fifth month to the tenth month the waters decreased and the tops of mountains could be seen.
  3. The remaining floodwaters were completely gone by the first month of the next year. The earth was completely dry by the second month the twenty seventh day of the month.


  1. The blood of that man or that beast was required.
  2. A rainbow.
  3. a. He told his brothers to come see. b. His son Canaan would be a servant to his brothers.


  1. Ham is the father of Cush and Canaan.
  2. The Philistines came from Mizraim the son of Ham.


  1. a. The people wanted to build a city and a tower that reached to the heavens. b. They wanted to make a name for themselves and not be scattered. c. Their pride and self-sufficiency was defiance against the counsel of God. Therefore, He scattered them and gave them different languages.
  2. Terah, a descendant of Shem, is the father of Abram.
  3. 292 years.
  4. Lot was Abram's nephew (son of his brother, Haran).


  1. a. Abram was told to leave his father's house and go to a land He would show him. b. God would make his name great and make a great nation from him.
  2. Abram was promised the land of Canaan.
  3. Pharaoh took Abram's wife to his house.


  1. a. There was not enough room in the land for both of them. b. They decided to separate to different parts of the region. c. Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan. d. Lot dwelt in the plain of Jordan and near the city of Sodom.


  1. a. Lot was taken captive by the king of Elam and three other kings. b. Abram pursued and attacked their captors and brought them back.
  2. a. He gave a tithe to God. b. Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High.
  3. a. Abram could keep the goods and give him the people. b. Abram declined the king of Sodom’s offer lest he say he made Abram rich.


  1. Eliezer was one of Abram's servants and would be the heir of his house.
  2. Abram’s descendants would be like the stars in the sky.
  3. a. Abram’s descendants would go into bondage. b. Four hundred years they would be in bondage.
  4. The land promised to Abram, the land of Canaan, would be their inheritance.


  1. a. Hagar, her servant. b. She despised Sarai. c. She dealt harshly with Hagar.
  2. God promised to multiply Hagar’s son's descendants.
  3. Ishmael was the son of Hagar.


  1. a. Abraham. b. Abraham means father of a multitude (or many nations).
  2. Every male child was to be circumcised.
  3. a. Sarah b. In the Greek Sarah means "noblewoman" .
  4. God promised a son with whom He would make His covenant.


  1. a. Abraham saw three men standing by him. b. He realized they were angels. c. The angel of the Lord God was speaking to him.
  2. a. Sarah would have a son. b. Sarah laughed.
  3. a. They were going to Sodom. b. They were going to destroy Sodom because it was very sinful. c. He worried that Lot would be killed also.


  1. a. Two of the three angels went to Sodom. b. Lot met the two men. c. Lot realized these were heavenly beings. d. Lot bowed down to them.
  2. The men of the city wanted to have relations with the men at Lot's house.
  3. The angels blinded the men of Sodom who were at Lot's door.
  4. a. God sent the men to Sodom. b. They were to destroy it with fire and brimstone.
  5. They thought he was joking.
  6. Lot and his family fled to a little city called Zoar.
  7. a. She either longed for what she left behind or was curious of what was happening. In any case she disobeyed God's instructions. b. She turned into a pillar of salt.
  8. a. Lot's daughters plotted to get him drunk and lay with him. b. The daughters feared having no children because no other men were around.
  9. The Moabites and the Ammonites are the descendants of Lot's daughters.


  1. Sarah was a beautiful woman. He feared he would be killed for Sarah.
  2. God intervened and kept King Abimelech away from Sarah.
  3. The wombs of the women opened and they were able to have children.


  1. a. Isaac. b. Laughter. c. Sarah was ninety and Abraham was one hundred years old when Isaac was born (Ge. 17:17).
  2. He scoffed at Isaac.
  3. Cast them out.
  4. He would make him a great nation.
  5. They made a covenant of peace between them and their posterity.


  1. God tested Abraham’s faith.
  2. Isaac carried the wood.
  3. Abraham had not withheld his son from God.
  4. A ram.
  5. The seed of Abraham would bless all nations (which was Christ who would come later).
  6. a. Bethuel , the son of Nahor, was Rebekah’s father. b. Her father was Abram's nephew.


  1. a. Sarah died in Kirjath Arba (Hebron) in the land of Canaan. b. Sarah was one hundred twenty-seven years old when she died.
  2. a. Sarah was buried in the cave of Machpelah of the field of Ephron. b. The sons of Heth.  c. Heth was the son of Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of Noah (Gen. 10:1-15).


  1. a. His oldest servant. b.  He was to go the land of his father's house.  c. He went to Mesopotamia, the city of Nahor (Abraham’s brother)..
  2. a. Rebekah the daughter of Bethel, the son of Nahor, Abraham’s brother. b. If the woman he asked for a drink also offered to give his camels a drink then he would know she was the one chosen by God.
  3. She covered her face with a veil.
  4. Isaac loved Rebekah and found comfort after his Mother’s death.


  1. a. Abraham took Keturah as a wife. b. Keturah had six children with Abraham and many grandchildren.
  2. Abraham was buried in the cave of Machpelah, the same place Sarah his wife was buried.
  3. Two nations were in her womb. The older will serve the younger.
  4. a. The first, Esau and the second, Jacob. b. Esau means hairy. Jacob means supplant (this means to replace, supersede, to take the place of).
  5. a. Esau was Isaac’s favorite. b. Esau was a hunter and Isaac ate of Esau's game.
  6. a. Esau foolishly sold His birthright to Jacob. b. Esau gave up his right to the blessings and inheritance due to the firstborn. (Thus Jacob supplanted Esau.)


  1. a. Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines in Gerar. b. His sister. c. King Abimelech saw them through a window. d. He saw Isaac and Rebekah showing endearment to each other. e. He confronted Isaac and charged that no one was to touch Isaac or Rebekah.
  2. Abimelech told Isaac to depart from the land since he had become mightier than the Philistines.
  3. a. Esau grieved his parents. b. He had taken wives from foreigners.


  1. a. Isaac wanted Esau to hunt and cook his favorite meal. b. She wanted Esau's blessing for Jacob. c. She disguised Jacob in Esau's clothes and put animal skins on his neck and hands to make him hairy. She cooked the meal.
  2. Jacob would receive the fatness of the land, plenty of grain and wine, nations would serve him and bow down to him, and would be master over his brethren.
  3. Esau would live by the sword and serve his brother.
  4. Esau wanted to kill Jacob after Isaac died.
  5. a. Rebekah had Jacob go to her brother's house in Haran. b. She did not want Jacob to have a wife from the daughters of Heth.


  1. a. Esau went to find a wife from the descendants of Ishmael. b. Esau wanted to please his father Isaac by not taking a Canaanite wife. c. Esau took Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael (his uncle), the son of Abraham (from Hagar, Sarah’s maid servant).
  2. a. He dreamed of a ladder going to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it. b. His descendants would be as the dust of the earth and all the families of the earth would be blessed. c. Jacob called the place Bethel. d. Bethel means house of God.


  1. a. Rachel was his mother's niece, her brother’s daughter. b. Rachel was a shepherdess.
  2. Jacob wanted Rachel as his wife.
  3. Laban gave his other daughter Leah as Jacob’s wife.
  4. a. Jacob married Rachel seven days later. b. Jacob had to work another seven years for Rachel.
  5. Leah’s sons were Rueben - a son; Simeon - heard; Levi – attached; Judah – praise.


  1. a. Dan – judge;  Naphtali - my wrestling b. Gad – troop or fortune; Asher - happy
  2. a. She wanted some mandrakes b. Mandrakes were used as an aphrodisiac to help procreate. c. Rachel would allow Leah to lie with Abraham for the mandrakes.
  3. Issachar – wages; Zebulun - dwelling
  4. a. Dinah was born. b. Dinah means judgment.
  5. a. Joseph was born to Rachel. b. He will add. c. In the fourteenth year of serving Laban.
  6. Laban knew he was being blessed while Jacob was there.
  7. Jacob wanted only the spotted and specked sheep and the brown colored  lambs.
  8. a. Jacob took rods of green poplar, almond, and chestnut trees and peeled white strips into them. b. Jacob placed the rods in the water trough. c The flocks came out streaked, speckled, and spotted.


  1. God told Jacob it was time to return to the land of his father.
  2. a. His household idols. b. In the camel's saddle. c. Because the manner of women was with her. (The saddle would be unclean).
  3. Jacob had worked twenty years for Laban.
  4. His eldest would only be twelve. (His first was born from Leah after his first seven years with Laban. Subtract the first year of Leah's pregnancy from the remaining 13 years of Jacob's time with Laban and that leaves 12 years since the first child was born.)


1.      If Esau attacked one company the other company could escape.

2.      Jacob hoped to appease Esau and offer peace.

3.      God. b. Jacob wanted a blessing from the man with whom he wrestled. c. The muscle in his hip shrank.

4.      Jacob had done the right things in all his adversities and had pleased God.

5.      Jacob would be called Israel (prince with God).


  1. Jacob favored Rachel and Joseph the most. They would be more protected than those in the front.
  2. Esau embraced Jacob and wept.
  3. Jacob’s people and his flocks were weary.
  4. a. Jacob pitched his tent in Shechem in the land of Canaan. b. Jacob bought land from the children of Hamor (Shechem’s father).


  1. a. Shechem violated Dinah. b. Shechem wanted his father to get Dinah as a wife for him.
  2. Jacob’s sons were grieved and very angry about what happened to Dinah.
  3. a. Hamor proposed that they marry each other's daughters and dwell in the same land. b. Jacob’s sons wanted all the men in the city to be circumcised.
  4. Hamor told them that all of Jacob's livestock and property would become theirs.
  5. a. They went in on the third day when the men of the city were in great pain and killed them all. b. Jacob was troubled and feared retaliation from the inhabitants of the land.


  1. God told Jacob to go to Bethel in the land of Canaan.
  2. a. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. b. Israel means prince or soldier with God.
  3. a. Rachel in hard labor, died giving birth. b. They were headed to Ephrath (Bethlehem).
  4. a. Benjamin was Rachel’s last son. b. Benjamin means son of my right hand. c. Rachel had only two sons.
  5. Rueben lay with Bilhah, his father's concubine.
  6. a. Isaac was 180 years old when he died. b. Esau and Jacob buried their father.


  1. Esau took his first two wives from the daughters of Canaan and a third wife of the daughters of Ishmael., the son of Abraham.
  2. The Amaleks are from a son of Esau.


1.      a. He was born in Jacob's old age. b. A tunic of many colors. c. No, they hated and envied him.

2.      Joseph dreamed they would bow down to him and serve him.

3.      a. Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him. b. Reuben did not want to kill Joseph. c. They sold Joseph into slavery.

4.      Joseph was taken to Egypt.

5.      They told Jacob Joseph was killed by a wild beast.

6.      Joseph was sold to Potiphar an officer of Pharoah.


  1. God became angry with them and they were killed. b. Judah promised his third son, Shelah, to Tamar.
  2. Judah had not given his son, Shelah, as a husband to Tamar. (She needed a child to carry on the name.)
  3. Tamar had two sons, twins.


1.      a. Joaeph was taken to Egypt. b. Potiphar, a captain of the guard bought Joseph. c. Joseph became the overseer of all that Potiphar had.

2.      a. Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to lie with her. b. Joseph refused to lie with her.

3.      a. She accused him of trying to lie with her. b. Joseph was thrown in the prison. c. Joseph was put in charge of all the prisoners.


  1. Pharaoh's chief butler and chief baker were thrown into the prison.
  2. a. In three days the butler would be released from prison, serving Pharaoh again. b. In three days the baker would be hung.
  3. Joseph asked the butler to please mention Joseph and his innocence to Pharaoh.
  4. Each of Joseph’s dreams came true concerning the butler and the baker.


  1. a. Pharaoh had his dreams two years later. b. There would be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine in the land.
  2. a. Joseph recommended that one-fifth of the produce be stored each year in the years of plenty so there would be plenty in the time of famine. b. Joseph was put in charge.
  3. a. There was no one higher than Joseph except Pharaoh. b. Joseph was thirty years old at this time. c. Joseph had been a slave for thirteen years (see 37:2).


  1. a. Benjamin was left at home while the brothers went to Egypt. b. Benjamin was left behind lest some calamity befall him.
  2. Joseph was the governor of Egypt.
  3. a. Joseph recognized his brothers. b. Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him.
  4. Joseph accused his brothers of being spies.
  5. a. Joseph put them in prison. b. They were there three days. c. The brothers believed their troubles were because of what they had done to their brother, Joseph.
  6. Simeon was kept behind.
  7. a. Joseph put each brother’s money bag in their sack of grain. b. They were afraid.


  1. Jacob sent his sons back after their grain had run out.
  2. Jacob sent a present of fruit, balm, honey, spices, myrrh, nuts and double the money for the first grain in case it was an oversight.
  3. The brothers feared  they were going to be accused of taking the money for the first grain.
  4. Joseph cried in secret when he saw Benjamin.
  5. Joseph seated his brothers according to their ages and birthrights.
  6. Joseph gave Benjamin more of everything.


  1. Joseph had his silver cup put in Benjamin’s sack.
  2. a. Joseph would make Benjamin his slave. b. The brothers tore their clothes. c. His father would die in sorrow if something happened to Benjamin.


  1. The brothers were shocked and in fear when they realized it was Joseph.
  2. a. God had allowed all these things to happen to Joseph. b. God worked out a way to save his family from death and to create their posterity.
  3. Pharaoh approved Joseph’s family coming to Egypt.


  1. a. God spoke to Jacob in a dream. b. Jacob was told to go to Egypt. He will have many descendants there.
  2. Jacob and his family settled in the land of Goshen.
  3. There were a total of seventy descendants of Jacob in Egypt.


  1. a. People paid with their livestock when money ran out. b. After livestock ran out people sold their land to Joseph. c. Joseph implemented a law that one-fifth of all the harvest shall be given to Pharoah.
  2. Jacob lived seventeen more years with Jacob.
  3. Jacob requested not to be buried in Egypt but to be buried with his fathers.


  1. a. Manasseh and Ephraim were Joseph’s two sons. b. Joseph’s sons became as Jacob’s own sons.
  2. Jacob blessed Ephraim, the youngest first.
  3. Joseph was blessed with one portion above his brothers.


  1. a. Rueben would not excel. b. He had defiled his father's bed.
  2. Simeon and Levi would be divided among all Israel because they had killed Hamor, Shechem, and all the men of Shechem.
  3. Judah’s brothers would bow down to him. He would receive their praise and the scepter of a king would always be in his house.
  4. From Joseph would come the shepherd, the stone of Israel.
  5. a. Jacob was buried in the cave of Machpelah. b. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah are buried in the cave of Machpelah.


  1. They feared Joseph would repay them for their evil.
  2. Joseph had already forgiven his brothers. He was beyond doing what they feared.
  3. Joseph wanted them to carry his bones out of Egypt.